Thursday, February 10, 2011


Knitters can usually be classified as some degree of process knitter or project knitter.  Both knit for the love of the art but will approach their projects differently.  The process knitter will knit for the feel of the yarn and the calming repetition of the needles.  It may be a form of meditation or therapy, or simply a way to keep idle hands from becoming the devil's playground.  The project knitter knits for the finished product.  A hand knit item to wear or a gift made for a loved one.

I am a project knitter.  I usually only have 3-4 things on the needles at any given time.  I will try to have an easy project for idiot knitting, a challenging one for a good brain workout and a portable one to travel.  I want the project done before it's out of style and I want to wear it as often as possible.

I've also noticed that most knitters will gravitate to a specific style or technique; such as lace, or cables, or color work, etc.  I love cables.  I love how deceptively easy they are (no, really, they are).  I love the intertwining vines and the way they move across the fabric. 

 So what has possessed me that I now want to turn this:

into these:

Aargh! gyle Socks by Camille Chang

In the past I have attempted very little color work.  I have had moderate success but not the thrill I get from a well crossed cable.

The first attempt was a hat made with scraps from a pattern in a magazine.  I made this about 7 years ago for my first son.  I don't think he ever wore it.

The next was a sweater, also for my first son, made from Caron Simply Soft yarn (I think) and the car motifs adapted from a pattern in Family Circle Easy Afghans

This yarn is soft and washable but the ends are slithery and keep creeping out.  He wore it a few times, at least once long enough to snap a Christmas picture.  (Yes, it's too big, but he's wearing it, so shhh).

I have reached the heel on the first sock with encouraging success. 

Oddly the part of the instructions that has halted me is "Break Yarn" to begin the heel.  I don't want to.  I'm scared to.  So for the last week or two I've been knitting some quickie hats (with cables).

1 comment:

  1. Okay, the first thing that came into my head when I read you post title was, "at the drive-in."
